[Koha] Check out restriction to category / branch for School Libraries
2018-10-01 15:47:57 UTC
Hi again.
I have the fallowing scenario:

1 Koha instance
1 Public Library
20 Public Schools

I want to restrict holds between the Public Library and School Libraries
but I don't want to restrict holds between School Libraries.

With independentbraches doesn't work because it will restrict everything.
I've tried to limit Patron categories to respectively libraries but didn't
Any help appreciated

Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Barton Chittenden
2018-10-02 12:32:16 UTC
I think you could use the transfer cost matrix for this -- set the transfer
costs among the school libraries to 0, and between the public and school
libraries to infinity.
Post by anjoze
Hi again.
1 Koha instance
1 Public Library
20 Public Schools
I want to restrict holds between the Public Library and School Libraries
but I don't want to restrict holds between School Libraries.
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
2018-10-02 14:43:05 UTC
Thank you for your suggestion.
Didn't worked.
I've changed to 999 between the public and school
and 0 between school libraries.
Nothing happens.
On manual
just says: " The transport cost matrix lets a library system define relative
costs to transport books to one another "
Maybe this is just to statistics...

Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
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Caroline Cyr-La-Rose
2018-10-02 14:46:38 UTC
Did you enable the UseTransportCostMatrix system preference?


Caroline Cyr La Rose, M.S.I.
Bibl. prof. / Chargée de la formation et du soutien

Tél.  : 1 (833) 465-4276
caroline.cyr-la-***@inLibro.com <mailto:caroline.cyr-la-***@inLibro.com>

inLibro | pour esprit libre | www.inLibro.com <http://www.inLibro.com>
Post by anjoze
Thank you for your suggestion.
Didn't worked.
I've changed to 999 between the public and school
and 0 between school libraries.
Nothing happens.
On manual
just says: " The transport cost matrix lets a library system define relative
costs to transport books to one another "
Maybe this is just to statistics...
Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
2018-10-02 15:19:19 UTC
Yes, its on.
What should I expect with transport cost matrix enabled?
Is it for restrictions?
On manual it's not explicit the use of cost matrix.

Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Barton Chittenden
2018-10-03 05:09:25 UTC
The transport cost matrix is used to determine which libraries will fill
holds at other libraries. I think it may require that the holds queue cron
job be running periodically.
Post by anjoze
Yes, its on.
What should I expect with transport cost matrix enabled?
Is it for restrictions?
On manual it's not explicit the use of cost matrix.
Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
2018-10-03 09:13:18 UTC
Yes Cron is running:
# Hourly holds queue updated
52 * * * * __KOHA_USER__ $KOHA_CRON_PATH/holds/build_holds_queue.pl
/dev/null 2>&1
Nothing happens :(
I've enabled Cost Matrix
Set 999 from Public Library to Schools and Schools to Public Library
Set 0 from School to School
On Patron Category I've limited the School Staff to the School Libraries
On Library Transfer Limits, disabled transfers, by Item Type, from Public to

None of those steps work!
The last one (Library Transfer Limits) just disable transfers but allow a
School to borrow a book from Public Library to a Student of that school.
It should exist a table like Library Transfer Limits but for Holds

Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Katrin Fischer
2018-10-03 10:18:04 UTC
I think if you set 999 you will still get transports, they are only very
expensive, but not impossible. You should check 'disable' if you don't
want to allow transports and it should give the cell a red background.

Maybe it would be simpler to use the UseBranchTransferLimits preference

|I am not completely sure if what you want to do is possible, as we only
had the case of not allowing holds in our libraries between all branches
so far. Long term I think it would be nice if the new library groups
feature could be used for this.
Post by anjoze
# Hourly holds queue updated
52 * * * * __KOHA_USER__ $KOHA_CRON_PATH/holds/build_holds_queue.pl
/dev/null 2>&1
Nothing happens :(
I've enabled Cost Matrix
Set 999 from Public Library to Schools and Schools to Public Library
Set 0 from School to School
On Patron Category I've limited the School Staff to the School Libraries
On Library Transfer Limits, disabled transfers, by Item Type, from Public to
None of those steps work!
The last one (Library Transfer Limits) just disable transfers but allow a
School to borrow a book from Public Library to a Student of that school.
It should exist a table like Library Transfer Limits but for Holds
Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
2018-10-03 14:24:02 UTC
If I disable (red background) it does nothing.
With red bar on both (From/to - to/from) I'm able to make holds and I can
make transfers! This is strange...

UseBranchTransferLimits - I can't use this because our Public Library is the
one o prepare the records/items to the schools. Than they transfer them to
each school.
We need to be able to transfer items but not allow schools to put on hold
items from Public library.

I've tested IndependentBranches and IndependentBranchesPatronModifications
If they worked like it says on description it would solve our problem but it
doesn't work.
IndependentBranches is Ok and don't allow schools to borrow from other
IndependentBranchesPatronModifications should Prevent staff (but not
superlibrarians) from viewing and approving/denying patron modification
requests for patrons belonging to other libraries but it doesn't work as
If I set NO I can modify patrons but just with Tools- edit_patrons Perform
batch modification of patrons

Like you said it would be nice if that could be improved.
Something like Library transfer limits but Library Holds limits
Should I file a new request in bugzilla?

Koha version: 16.05.05
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José Anjos
Sent from: http://koha.1045719.n5.nabble.com/Koha-general-f3047918.html
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org

Paul Hoffman
2018-10-03 13:12:47 UTC
Post by anjoze
# Hourly holds queue updated
52 * * * * __KOHA_USER__ $KOHA_CRON_PATH/holds/build_holds_queue.pl >/dev/null 2>&1
Nothing happens :(
You might try changing the cron job command so that it doesn't throw
away all output:

52 * * * * __KOHA_USER__ $KOHA_CRON_PATH/holds/build_holds_queue.pl >> /tmp/build_holds_queue.log 2>&1

Then look at /tmp/build_holds_queue.log -- maybe something there will
explain what's going wrong.

(I hate cron jobs that blithely discard all output!)

Paul Hoffman <***@flo.org>
Software Services Manager
Fenway Library Organization
550 Huntington Ave.
Boston, MA 02115
(617) 442-2384
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