[Koha] Restoration of old Koha database to new one
Igbudu Tersoo
2018-02-12 12:16:33 UTC
I have installed koha 17.11 successfully. i am trying to restore data from
an old version (Koha 3.18) . after dropping the new database and restoring
the old one. i tried to upgrade the database schema using

*koha-upgrade-schema library, then it gives this error on command line:*Use
of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at
line 5531.
Failed to add reserve_id to reserves tables, please refresh the page to try
again. at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/data/mysql/
updatedatabase.pl line 5591.

please what can i do?
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Igbudu Tersoo
2018-02-12 12:25:19 UTC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Igbudu Tersoo <***@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Feb 12, 2018 at 12:16 PM
Subject: Restoration of old Koha database to new one
To: ***@lists.katipo.co.nz

I have installed koha 17.11 successfully. i am trying to restore data from
an old version (Koha 3.18) . after dropping the new database and restoring
the old one. i tried to upgrade the database schema using

*koha-upgrade-schema library, then it gives this error on command line:*Use
of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-
bin/installer/data/mysql/updatedatabase.pl line 5531.
Failed to add reserve_id to reserves tables, please refresh the page to try
again. at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/data/mysql/updat
edatabase.pl line 5591.

please what can i do?
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Bob Birchall
2018-02-12 12:35:08 UTC
After installing the old database, log in to the staff client. You
should get the 'web installer', not the Home page. Koha will detect that
the DB needs to be upgraded and will do so.
That's a pretty big upgrade. When its done, a lot of your reports might
need repair. If so, you'll get a warning on your 'saved reports' page.
Also examine the About page System Information tab and note any warnings.
Bob Birchall
Post by Igbudu Tersoo
I have installed koha 17.11 successfully. i am trying to restore data from
an old version (Koha 3.18) . after dropping the new database and restoring
the old one. i tried to upgrade the database schema using
*koha-upgrade-schema library, then it gives this error on command line:*Use
of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at
line 5531.
Failed to add reserve_id to reserves tables, please refresh the page to try
again. at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/data/mysql/
updatedatabase.pl line 5591.
please what can i do?
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
webmaster UVG Altiplano
2018-02-12 14:22:38 UTC
I used this Tutorial

1. Backup of old Koha
Take backup of your existing Koha database. Either you can make use a
database kept in your pen drive otherwise you can apply following command
to take backup,
mysqldump -uroot -p koha_library | gzip -9 > koha_library.sql.gz
Put MySQL root password, when it ask.

2. Install Koha

3. Restoration of old Koha database to new one
Remove existing database in new installation

sudo su
mysql -uroot -p
[Enter the MySQL Root password]
drop database koha_library;
create database koha_library;

Copy your database backup from your pen drive to home folder.
Extract the backup file, the extension will be .sql

Then restore the old backup to new installation.

Database Restoration command,
mysql -uroot -p koha_library < koha_library.sql [Check name of your source
Koha database]
koha_library - name of database in new installation
koha.sql - name of database in old installation
Enter the MySQL root password.

4. Upgrade Database Schema
Database schema of old Koha should upgrade to new one. Apply following
commands in a terminal,
sudo su
koha-upgrade-schema library

5. Rebuild the Zebra Index.
Apply following command in a terminal,
sudo koha-rebuild-zebra -v -f library
After installing the old database, log in to the staff client. You should
get the 'web installer', not the Home page. Koha will detect that the DB
needs to be upgraded and will do so.
That's a pretty big upgrade. When its done, a lot of your reports might
need repair. If so, you'll get a warning on your 'saved reports' page.
Also examine the About page System Information tab and note any warnings.
Bob Birchall
Post by Igbudu Tersoo
I have installed koha 17.11 successfully. i am trying to restore data from
an old version (Koha 3.18) . after dropping the new database and restoring
the old one. i tried to upgrade the database schema using
*koha-upgrade-schema library, then it gives this error on command line:*Use
of uninitialized value in numeric lt (<) at
line 5531.
Failed to add reserve_id to reserves tables, please refresh the page to try
again. at /usr/share/koha/intranet/cgi-bin/installer/data/mysql/
updatedatabase.pl line 5591.
please what can i do?
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
Koha mailing list http://koha-community.org
2018-09-29 10:41:25 UTC
I am also facing the same problem can you please help out.


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takan bhatt
2018-09-29 10:57:57 UTC
I have followed simple instructions given by Vimal kumar in Koha geek blog
and followed basics in l2c2 blog. everything went smooth.
Post by LSnabi
I am also facing the same problem can you please help out.
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